Chasing Phantoms

Chasing Phantoms 1701 752 Ian

How Comfort’s Pursuit Binds Us to Habit Are you clenching your jaw right now? Or perhaps your shoulders are inching up toward your ears, or your weight has shifted subtly…

Through the Rabbit Hole: A Red Pill Perspective 

Through the Rabbit Hole: A Red Pill Perspective  2000 1000 Ian


Remembering Ease

Remembering Ease 1701 567 Ian

Could stress be at the root of your pain? For many dealing with chronic pain, a compelling body of research suggests that stress might play a central role. Chronic pain,…

From tension to Grace

From tension to Grace 1701 567 Ian

Chronic tension acts like background noise in the body’s system, often developing from unconscious efforts to shield ourselves from physical or emotional discomfort. Over time, these ingrained patterns interfere with…